Dynamic Credit Partners Europe B.V. is a registered investment company and registered financial service provider with the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). When providing its services as an investment company and financial service provider, Dynamic Credit Partners Europe adheres to the highest standards of care. Should you nevertheless have a complaint in connection with the aforementioned services, please send your complaint and contact details to Dynamic Credit Partners Europe B.V., Frederik Roeskestraat 100, 1076 ED Amsterdam
If no satisfactory solution can be reached, you have the option to submit your complaint to (i) the Financial Services Complaints Tribunal (Kifid, Postbus 93257, 2509 AG Den Haag, www.kifid.nl within three (3) months after the final response of Dynamic Credit Partners Europe to your complaint or to (ii) a competent Dutch court.
Dynamic Credit has a remuneration policy with general principles and specific rules in place aligning the personal objectives of its staff with the business strategy, objectives, values and long-term interests of Dynamic Credit. The remuneration policy is consistent with applicable rules and regulations and aims to promote sound and effective risk management. Due to its size, internal organization, nature and scope of activities, Dynamic Credit applies the principle of proportionality with respect to disclosure requirements. Dynamic Credit refers to its annual report for aggregate quantitative information on remuneration. Up to 100 % of the total variable remuneration is subject to certain malus or claw back arrangements. Dynamic Credit reviews its remuneration policy periodically to ensure that it operates adequately and is compliant with applicable regulations, principles and standards.